A visit to nerd friends in Denmark

Time to fly again!

18 Mar:
Currently in the departure lounge waiting to board. Quite excited. Started my video though nothing much of interest has happened yet.
Will post another entry when more interesting things start to happen :3

19th Mar:
Started the day at Christiania. The famous hippie commune in the centre of Copenhagen. Super interesting place. Mostly wooden buildings covered in artwork and a very nice river to walk along. Me and Chad explored one of the electronics shops there full of interesting junk.

Of course we were in Christiania so had to check out the famous "exports" which for obvious reasons they do not want people taking pictures of. Overall I think it was one of the most intesting places i've ever visited and dont believe the articles that say it's full of crime, It's by far one of the saftest places I could imagine being.

After taking a nice walk through the city we met up for the main event. A showing of the famous "The Room" in a small cinema called Husets Biograf. And on 35mm too! My friend talked to the projectionist and let us take a look at the projection room which still had many old 35mm film reels and equipment.

The film was of course incredible. We even came with plastic spoons as is tradition for viewing this film (if you know, you know). Definitely one of the best cinema experiences i've ever had and would love to go there again next year for the 20th anniverisary showing.

Finished off the evening at Labitat. A local makerspace filled with cool people and lots of cool projects going on. Even looked around some "secret" bunkers!

20 Mar:
Spent the day at Copenhagen Zoo. Still feeling pretty tired from the night before but still very much enjoyable. Climbed all the way to the top of the very windy tower. Sadly didnt get any pictures of that but anyone thinking of going there should give it a try!

21 Mar:
By this point everyone else had gone home. My and my friend Paul worked on his Z80 computer which he had designed and built. It's built in a similar style to the IMSAI 8080 and is based on an ISA bus instead of S100. I'll be writing more about this in the future in the tech section.

22 Mar:
We visited Amager Bakke. A power station which also serves as a ski slope. You can either go up in the elevator (which gives you a great view of the inside) or take the long winding stairs to the side of the building. The station itself burns rubbish as Denmark (as far as I know) does not have any nuclear power stations. Excellent place to get a view of the city and take some atmospheric photos! It also features the world's tallest clibing wall if you're brave enough!